Buying A Used Car? Find Car History by VIN

 Why should you check car history by VIN when you buy a used car? While apparently, a used car might look to be in perfect running condition, there is more to it than meets the eye. It might be a flood-damaged vehicle with a tampered odometer, a rebuilt car, or even a salvaged car. There is no way of knowing these aspects if you do not verify the car history by VIN.

VIN or Vehicle Identification Number consists of 17 characters in a combination of capital letters and digits and is embedded on the driver’s side door post or the dashboard where it meets the windscreen. Similar to a fingerprint, the VIN is unique to a vehicle.

 The 1st to 11th letters denotewhere the car was built, the manufacturer, brand, engine size, and type of vehicle, the security code that denotes that the car has been authorized by the manufacturer, model, year of the vehicle, and which plant manufactured the car. The last 6 digits denote the serial number of the vehicle.

Before parting with your money and closing the deal for a used car, why is it necessary to check the car history by VIN? It is because the VIN is a huge repository of information that include thefts, warranty, claims, recalls, registrations, insurance coverage, and especially if there is a financial lien on the car. All these factors are guiding points to whether you should invest in that vehicle. Be especially cautious about any existing financial lien since it has to be cleared before you can transfer the ownership to your name.

Do not buy a used car before checking the car history by VIN.


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