
Buying A Used Car? Find Car History by VIN

  Why should you check car history by VIN   when you buy a used car? While apparently, a used car might look to be in perfect running condition, there is more to it than meets the eye. It might be a flood-damaged vehicle with a tampered odometer, a rebuilt car, or even a salvaged car. There is no way of knowing these aspects if you do not verify the car history by VIN. VIN or Vehicle Identification Number consists of 17 characters in a combination of capital letters and digits and is embedded on the driver’s side door post or the dashboard where it meets the windscreen. Similar to a fingerprint, the VIN is unique to a vehicle.  The 1 st to 11 th letters denote where the car was built, the manufacturer, brand, engine size, and type of vehicle, the security code that denotes that the car has been authorized by the manufacturer, model, year of the vehicle, and which plant manufactured the car. The last 6 digits denote the serial number of the vehicle. Before parting with y...

Should You Check Car Info Using VIN

  Why should you check car info using VIN when you are buying a used car? It is because you will get the complete history of the car and whether it is flood-damaged, has been previously involved in serious accidents, or has a tampered odometer. All these will help you to decide whether buying such a car is worth the investment. Further, a damaged car can mean a threat to your safety when you drive it after the transfer of ownership. Hence, you must verify car info using VIN if you are buying a used car. A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) consists of a mix of 17 digits and alphabets. It denotes where the car was built, the manufacturer, brand, engine size, type of vehicle, and the security code of the manufacturer. The last 5 digits is the serial number of the vehicle.   The VIN is like a fingerprint, no two can be the same. It is embedded on the dashboard portion that is nearest to the windscreen or the driver-side doorpost. Along with the specifications of the vehicle...

The Necessity for Car VIN Number Lookup

You have to be very careful when you buy a used car as you do not know the condition it is in. Any garage can bring it to showroom condition but it is very difficult to know if it has been damaged by floods, been in a serious smashup, or has a tampered odometer. But if you can have a car VIN number lookup, all these details will be before you in seconds. You will be warned about the true state of the car and whether you should buy it. When you opt for a car VIN number lookup , there is several other information that you will get about the used vehicle. These include the year, make, model, country of assembly, and style as well as other details like accidents, warranties, and liabilities. The VIN has 17 characters each of which represents a parameter - manufacturer’s location, the manufacturer, engine size and type of vehicle, security code, and model. The last six numbers from the 12 th to the 17 th characters represent the serial number of the vehicle. How do you have a car VIN numb...

The Importance of VIN Number while Buying a Used Car

  The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of a vehicle is like a fingerprint – no two can ever be the same. If you are buying a used vehicle, certain precautions have to be taken, the most critical being to check car history with VIN number. Why should you do so? Consider this bizarre piece of statistic. 1 in every 100 cars is a flood-damaged one, every 50 th car has a tampered odometer, and every 5 th is a salvaged car. Additionally, there are stolen cars to contend with and ones that have some form of lien running on them. Buying a car that falls in any one of these categories is a fully lost investment. Hence, it is a wise idea to check car history with VIN number , get the full details and history of the vehicle and make an informed decision before reaching for your checkbook. What is VIN? The Vehicle Identification Number is a code comprising 17 characters of digits and capital letters that identifies a specific vehicle. A lot of information about the vehicle is embedd...

Why Car VIN Number Lookup is Important

 Before going to the importance of car VIN number lookup while buying used cars, it is necessary to understand what VIN is about. The Vehicle Identification Number or VIN is a code that identifies a specific vehicle. Just like a fingerprint, no two VINs can be the same. While pre-1981 cars had 11 characters, VIN now comprises 17 characters in a mix of numerical and capital letters. Each character represents some information – the manufacturer’s location, the manufacturer, engine size and type of vehicle, security code, model, and serial number from the 12th to the 17th characters. VIN is widely used to track recalls, thefts, warranty claims, registrations, and insurance coverage and is imprinted on the body where the dashboard meets the windshield or the driver’s side doorpost. You should resort to car VIN number lookup while buying a used car as you will get the full history of the vehicle. The report will include details of flood damage if any, accidents, whether it is a stolen ...