The Importance of VIN Number while Buying a Used Car
The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of a vehicle is like a fingerprint – no two can ever be the same. If you are buying a used vehicle, certain precautions have to be taken, the most critical being to check car history with VIN number. Why should you do so? Consider this bizarre piece of statistic. 1 in every 100 cars is a flood-damaged one, every 50 th car has a tampered odometer, and every 5 th is a salvaged car. Additionally, there are stolen cars to contend with and ones that have some form of lien running on them. Buying a car that falls in any one of these categories is a fully lost investment. Hence, it is a wise idea to check car history with VIN number , get the full details and history of the vehicle and make an informed decision before reaching for your checkbook. What is VIN? The Vehicle Identification Number is a code comprising 17 characters of digits and capital letters that identifies a specific vehicle. A lot of information about the vehicle is embedd...